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  • Writer's pictureMaryam Rahbar

Mama G's journey to motherhood

How many times have you heard, "when are you going to get pregnant?", "it is getting a bit late for you guys to become parents", "look at that cute baby, you guys should be next". These are all comments that are said on a daily basis. Even though there is no malicious intent behind these comments, they can be insensitive to people dealing with infertility. Everyone's journey through infertility is unique and comes with its challenges. When I first reached out to mama G on Instagram (@mamags_journey), she was happy to share their journey with us to benefit others.

Mama G was diagnosed with PCOS at a young age before she was married or had thought about having any children. She experienced most of the PCOS symptoms, including irregular periods, weight gain, excess body hair, cysts, and thinning of hair. She began taking birth control pills to regulate her hormones and reduce the symptoms. She was recommended to try and lose some weight if she wanted to have a baby. As most of us are aware, losing weight is easier said than done and even though we are capable of doing so, it can be challenging for anyone, let alone somebody suffering from PCOS.

Nevertheless, she took the advice and tried to lose weight. When she was 24 years old, she and her husband began trying for a baby. After a few months of irregular periods and knowing something was not right, her family doctor recommended that they place a request at the Ottawa Fertility Center. They were warned that the centre might not take them as they had not been trying for a whole year and she was young. The decision to start infertility treatment itself is overwhelming, and having to keep trying, waiting, and becoming disappointed over and over again can take its emotional toll. The first visit was difficult for them, but it also made them realise that other people were going through a similar situation. The feeling of shame was overcome with a feeling of strength. However, every visit came with a heavy burden. She mentioned that she started crying during one of her procedures, not for the pain but because of the stress and thinking things were too much to handle. She also had to figure out a way to tell her boss so she could attend the multiple tests that are required to be completed at specific times during her cycle. She had the conversation with her manager and was surprised to find him being very understanding. This definitely made the process easier for her. After all of the results of their tests came back, she was told that she was fertile but did not ovulate. However, the doctors were reassuring and confident that they would become pregnant within a couple of months. She started medication and was upset to find that the first round did not work. It was surprising for them to hear that their doctor was very optimistic and told them that they would become pregnant in a couple of months by increasing the dosage. They were skeptical about the process but were ecstatic to find that in her next cycle, she was pregnant.

She decided to share her story on Instagram because we do not talk about fertility struggles enough, and I completely agree with this. This topic needs to become more common and nothing for people to be ashamed of. It is essential to be mindful of what other people are going through, and we all have to be careful with what we say to each other. Getting pregnant is not easy for many people and is emotionally, mentally and physically challenging. Going through something so complex is always easier when there is a sense of community and belonging, so having the support of others going through similar experiences is important. Not only is the community around us able to help with the process, but the most important person is our partner. Both partners carry each other emotionally, mentally and physically. Each person has their own struggle, and through sharing, we can help make the journey a little easier. Thank you so much to Mama G and her beautiful family for sharing their story with us.

Image by Cornelia Li

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